Costumes, Hair, Make-Up & Tights

Costumes are now being sent home (and will continue to go home throughout April as they arrive at the studio).  If there are outstanding fees on your account, costumes will remain at the studio until all fees are paid.  Costumes should only be worn for Photos & Recital Week (after that you can do as you please!).  

This link will take you to a PDF with details about hair, make-up and tights required for photo and recital weeks.  Tights have been included with costume fees are are sent home with costumes.  In the event a dancer needs the same style/colour of tights for more than one dance, we have organized that they will only receive one pair (and you’ve only paid for one pair).  Extras are available for purchase from the studio store if needed.

Our YouTube Channel has tutorials to help you!  You can view them here: